Monday, May 15, 2006

Whiteplains Pilots Meeting

Date Line; 5-15-2006

Below are a few notes I took during tonight pilots meeting for those that could not attend.

Trash pickup last Saturday netted 25 bags of trash that are no longer littering our streets. This year, Bud Light was the winner, followed by Natural Light.

Ron Ackerman and Dennis Perry got their Commercial tickets. Congratulation on a job well done.

We had a presentation on concrete floor polishing. Didn't get the name of the company, but Lee has his card if you’re interested? 42X36 hanger runs around 3 grand ($1.50 - $2.00 Sq FOOT). Should last a life time.

The LED beacon light was voted down by the board. So... were still in the dark at Whiteplains.

Guest speaker, Lieutenant Colonel Greg Stidom, gave a talk about the new upcoming (one of a kind) Air Wing of the South Caroline State Guard. In a nut shell, they are setting up an Air Wing with 72 aircraft, up to 144 pilots/navigators and support personnel. If you want to hear more about it, you can see them June 10th. at Owens during the Young Eagles flight.

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