Thursday, November 30, 2006

Whiteplains Plane Update

The latest pictures of Bob Chatham's RV plane that now sports an engine and wings. The tail feathers are being painted now. As you can seen, it is coming along just fine.
Great job Bob.

November Board Of Directors Meeting Notes



November 27, 2006

Ken Plesser called the meeting to order at 7:05PM. Board members present were Ken Plesser, Micah Froese, and Terry Yon. Both Lloyd Kreuger and Joanne Keisler were absent. Present in the audience were: Nancy VanWormer, Larry Ross, Peg Peterson, Michael Branning, Gwen & Rich Mochak.

A motion was made, and seconded to accept the minutes for the September 28, 2006 meeting, after the date of that meeting was corrected.


See attached copy. Correction was noted that the title on the report should be “FUND A” instead of Whiteplains Homeowners’ Association, and “FUND B” instead of Whiteplains Pilots’Association.


Insurance: Ken’s research has identified an insurance agency which has provided specimen policies for both liability insurance for Whiteplains common areas at approximately $4300/year, and for Directors and Officers insurance for approximately $1000/year. Additional questions have been asked to the agency representative regarding the specimen policy. Copies of specimen policy were distributed to BOD members present, and an additional copy will be forwarded to Lloyd for consideration. Given that more research is necessary, additional time to do so is needed.

Tower, airport identifying beacon, flag: James Keisler’s business made a new platform top for the tower to support the new airport identifying beacon, both of which were installed. Also installed on the tower were new flag hardware and flag quality rope, and weather resistant landscaping lightening to light the flags between the hours of dusk and midnight. Despite the beacon being bench tested on the ground prior to installation on the tower, as well as after installation on the tower, once the tower was raised, the beacon failed after about a day. The beacon manufacturer was contacted, accepted responsibility for replacing the failed part, and rapidly mailed a replacement part. The new part for the beacon has arrived and it should be mounted and operational within the next week or so. The Pilots’ Association raised $133.25 in a spirited and worthwhile auction of aviation items as their last meeting on November 20, 2006. Additional funds continue to need to be raised to fund the tower project.


Don Cook was not present, but Nancy VanWormer verbally gave the report Don wrote for the meeting. Thirteen Young Eagles were flown by Whiteplains pilots in November. Don expressed concern that low passes continue to be a problem at Whiteplains and reinforced that low passes are not legal. Larry Ross, CFII, reinforced this sentiment by citing the FAA Regulations Chapter 51 Part 91 which cites that it is illegal to fly below 200 feet unless the pilot is taking off or landing.


Bill Como was not present, but sent a report with Nancy VanWormer. A Spring Mulching Party for Phase I and Phase II entrances is planned. The operational part for the Phase I gate is still not available. There may be one more mowing before the end of the 2006. The problems with the Phase II entrance sprinkler system and well are still being investigated.


Ray Hill was not present, but sent a report with Nancy VanWormer. Nominations were made at the November 20 meeting for 2007 officers as follows:

President – Erik Demaray, Vice President – Jack Fastnaught, Safety Officer– Todd Falstad.


Nancy VanWormer reported that the Welcome Committee has welcomed the Lineberry family who have moved mid-November into the previous Rawl home. The Bailey rental property has been recently vacated again, and Mr. Bailey has prospective renters who are interested in moving in mid-December, but there is apparently not a firm contract yet. Mr. Bailey was referred to the ARB Guidelines and to the ARB Chairman for review of plans authorization when these potential renters asked questions about the landlord installing a fence. The Caring & Sharing Committee continues to provide cards and flowers to residents for illness and losses. The Whiteplains Blog has been a great success. The Blog has been visited on an average of 18 times per day, for a total of over 2,314 visits since the start. Please continue to let Don Cook know if you have information to share via the Blog. Nancy reports the 2006 Whiteplains calendars are ready for distribution. This project is Nancy’s annual labor of love for the community,

and the charge for the calendar supports this project.


Larry Ross reported that two members, Michael Branning and Todd Falstad, have contacted the Election Committee and indicated their desire to run for the Board of Directors for 2007. Both Michael and Todd have provided a statement of their experience and goals, which will be included in the ballot. The deadline for contacting the Elections Committee and expressing a desire to run in the 2007 election is November 30, 2006. The Elections Committee will compile the ballot which is to be received by members by December 15. Also to be included in this same mailing will be the regime fees invoice for each property owner and the announcement of the Annual Homeowners’ Meeting January 16, 2007. Larry Ross also described that the ballots will be returned to the Whiteplains Association mailbox, and the committee will count the ballots. The procedures for vote tabulation are those approved by the Board at its September 28 meeting.


No report.


No report.


No report.


Insurance- The 2006 Board decided that more research is needed still regarding insurance before scheduling a vote. The current BOD decided that research should continue and no decisions should be made until this research is completed and the 2007 BOD reviews the issues further.


Regime Fees – Terry Yon moved that regime fees for 2007 be increased by the maximum amount permitted by the Whiteplains Homeowners’ Association Covenants, which is 10% per year. Micah Froese seconded the motion. The motion was approved 3-0.

Larry Ross raised concern about the Truck Entrance needing mulch and pruning attention. He was referred to discuss these concerns with Bill Como.

Nancy VanWormer asked if there were any known plans for a community Holiday Party. No one was aware of any plans by anyone to date.

Discussion ensued about where to hold the Annual Meeting, with decision made by the Board to try to encourage more owners’ participation by having the dinner catered, and held on-site, this year, in Ken & Peg’s hangar. Suggestion was made by Larry Ross to explore the option of Shealy’s BBQ to cater, with estimated cost to each attendee of about $10 per dinner. Ken will explore with Shealy’s BBQ and will provide an announcement of the Annual Meeting specifics and agenda to the Elections Committee for inclusion in the mailing.

Nancy VanWormer and Peg Peterson answered the request, by Larry Ross and Terry Yon, for assistance with envelope stuffing for the multi-mailings of ballots, regime fee invoices and Annual Meeting announcement. Mailings are to be received by owners by December 15, 2006. Voting is to be completed by the time of the Annual Meeting, January 16, 2007 at 7 PM.

Micah Froese moved to adjourn , and Terry Yon seconded. Adjourned at 8:05 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Peg Peterson

Whiteplains Family - Thank You!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Monday, November 20, 2006

Board Meeting

There will be a meeting of the Whiteplains Plantation Association Board of Directors, Officers, and Leadership Team on Monday night, November 27 at 7 PM in Ken Plesser's hangar.

Topics will include a status report from the Elections Committee, the setting of regime fees for 2007, and discussion of recently-received liability insurance quotes.


Thursday, November 16, 2006

New Plane at Whiteplains

Ray Chapmin saw the arrival of his new (AS in 1946) Ercoupe 415-C. He took this in on trade for his RV7 and some green backs. Check out the video by clicking on the below link.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Order Whiteplains Calendars

The third annual Whiteplains Calendar is going to printing and it is time to order your copies. Don't miss out on a fact filled edition including birthdays, SC Breakfast Club Fly-Ins and more.
The price will remain the same as the past two years at a bargain $15.00 each.

Please e-mail Nancy Van Wormer at to order as many copies as you wish. You will be notified via e-mail when they are ready. Calendars will not be sold after December 20th so ORDER NOW.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Pilot's Meeting Monday night

This is a reminder of the Pilot's Association meeting on Monday Nov. 20th at 7:00

Please let me know if you have any new agenda items by Monday morning.

Monday November 20, 2006
Ray Hill, VP
Hosting Hangar, Lee & Nancy Van Wormer
Welcome Pilots and Guests
Statement of Purpose
" The purpose of the Whiteplains Pilots Association is to promote aviation safety, and camaraderie among the Whiteplains pilots and promote
communications with the pilot community."
Sign in Sheet
Jack Fastnaught - His adventure in a C-82 "Packet" Acceptance of September 18, 2006 Minutes
Old Business New Business - Nominations will be accepted for the Officers in 2007, (further nominations will be accepted at the Jan. 2007 meeting) Open floor for any new ideas to improve the Pilots Association attendance and activities.
Announcements - Fly Ins, Airshows and "Hundred dollar hamburgers"Treasurers Report; Terry Yon
Airside Report; Don Cook
Safety Report; Todd Falstad
Residential Side Report; Bill Como
Elam Tower update - Ken Plesser
Door Prizes and Cash Drawing

A Most Underwhelming Sight!

The tension builds, necks crane skyward to see Carolina Girl, the B-25 bomber doing a "low pass" over Whiteplains. This is what Dennis Perry promised as he asked that Whiteplains residents be notified! At 2:20 P.M. , if you were lucky, you saw a plane flying high overhead on a southwest heading. Could be it was a B-52 WAAAY up high. Bad news is - the B-25 had engine temperature problems that prohibited a low pass, the good news is we have another reason to rib Dennis Perry!

To see a video of this flight click below.....

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Whiteplains Young Eagles Day!


Whiteplains Plantation hosted Lexington High School, Jr. AF ROTC Young Eagles flight this morning, with a total of 13 cadets flown. We had three aircraft ( Two Mooneys and One Cessna) and four pilots.

Lt. Col James Tucker wrote:

Thanks for a great day of flying...

I know my students really enjoyed the
Experience.  I can't thank you and all

the other pilots for all you do to
help my students have a life long memory

of their first flight. You're
the greatest!!  I attached a couple

group photos in case you need them.

Jim Tucker

Thanks to Pilots Bill Como (4), Jack Fastnaught (2), Mica Froese (2) and Don Cook (5). Also to Jack and Mica that took turns with traffic control.

Till next time.

Don Cook

Whiteplains Adopt-a-Highway


Thanks to everyone that helped out this morning with the trash pick up.

Great Job! Also a big thanks to Jack and Diane for hosting the breakfast this morning.

Click on picture to see full size.

Till next time.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Celebrities Amoung Us

Cindy and Candace, twin daughters of Nancy and Niel Bonacum, have become local celebrities! Stop by at Rack Room Shoes in the strip mall where Publix is located , wander in and take a close look at the beautiful young ladies on the posters . The dark haired beauty is Cindy, the auburn haired lovely is Candace. And by the way, do not expect to photograph the advertisements to display on this BLOG. I tried but they nixed it! If you want to hear the complete story, either Nancy or Niel seemed mighty proud and I'm sure they'd fill you in on the details.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Gas Price Update 100 LL

Just got a call from Jim Causey. He said the lady at Pelion called to advise that they lowered the price of 100LL from $4.10 to $3.85.

I gassed up at Lancaster airport just north/east of here yesterday for $3.30 a gallon. They are in the process of getting the front of the office repaved. Very friendly people. Gary Laubscher (FBO Operator) invited all of us to come see him any Saturday for a cookout starting at noon. The self service pump is hard to get to right now, but they well bring a truck to you for the same price as Self Service during the repaving activity. They also have AWOS that is just being turned on, tune in at 120.825 or 803-286-6444 by phone.

Whiteplains Calendar - November 2006

Happy Birthday!
November 2 - Jack Fastnaught
November 3 - Donna Robbins
November 9 - Don Cook
November 19 - Peggy Como
November 21 - Debra Cunniff
November 22 - Joseph Greener
November 26 - Jan Causey

November 30 - Dick Hitt

SC/SB Dates:
November 5 - Orangeburg (OGB)
November 19 - East Cooper (8S5)

Special Dates:
November 11 - Veteran's Day
November 11 - Adopt-a-Highway Pick up day. 8:30 meet at Fastnaught - Pick up @ 9
November 11 - Young Eagles Make up Date. Pilots Meet at Tower @ 10 A.M.
November 20 - Pilots Assoc. Mtg. 7 P.M. Lee Van Warmer's Hanger
November 23 - Thanksgiving Day!