Friday, August 24, 2007

Homeowners Meeting 8-24-2007

We had a good turn out with over 20+ people attending tonight's Homeowners Meeting. The biggest turn out ever. A few snapshots from tonight's meeting. Hope to see you at the next meeting.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Adventures of the North Land

Received this from James and Joanne and wanted to share it with the blog. Some neat shots as seen from the air and ground of Alaska in a Super Cub with some really BIG tires. It takes a while to load, but is worth the wait.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Aviation Weather

In a never ending quest to find good aviation weather sites, check out the two listed. Worth the look.

If you have one that you would like to share email me at and I'll add it to the blog.


Saturday, August 18, 2007

Whiteplains Plantation Board Meeting

There will be a meeting of the Whiteplains Plantation Association Board of Directors on Friday evening, August 24, at 7 PM in Ken & Peg's hangar. All members of the community are invited (and encouraged) to attend. If you've never attended one of these, you are welcome to come out and see how your neighborhood's business affairs are conducted.

Ken Plesser

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Message from Nancy Van Wormer

Hello Whiteplains Friends,

Micah, Debbie and Jordan flew to Manitoulin Island to visit

Grandma Nancy and to enjoy the cool northern climate. Baby Jordan traveled like a trooper on her first international flight. Enclosed are a few pictures.


Tuesday, August 07, 2007

P51 Landing Accident 2007

In case you haven't seen the video of the two P-51 that crashed at OSHKOSH. Click on link below.

News From Pilots Meeting 8-6-2007

At the pilots meeting held on 8-06-2007, Eric sent word that he would no longer be able to head up the Pilots Meeting due to conflicts with work. As a result, Jack Fastnaught asked if any one wanted the position. Dennis Perry made a motion to have Jim Wheat take the posistion, and Jim Wheat accepted. All 14 in attendance approved the selection. Congradulations, Jim.

Jack Fastnaught went over aircraft data sheets. Explained the differance between Form 337 and an STC. Jack made available blank data sheets for listing equipment and serial numbers for their aircraft . Jack stated that this would save time by not having to research this information during the annual.

Click on link for short video of meeting.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Pilot Meeting Tonight

Tonights Pilot Meeting will be 7pm in Jack Fastnaughts hangar.Due to continuous conflict with my work schedule I have asked Jack to take over responsiblity from me as President of the Pilots Association. He has graciously agreed and will probably ask for nominations tonight for a VP to help him out.

Eric Demaray

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Whiteplains Calendar August 2007

Happy Birthday to the following Members:

August 08 - Dennis Perry
August 14 - Houston Smith
August 19 - Jason Ford
August 21 - Tim French
August 23 - Bill Como

SCBC Dates August:

August 12 - Aiken (AIK)
August 26 - Moncks Corner (50J)

Other Dates:

August 06 - Pilots Meeting 7:00 PM Jacks Hanger
August 09 - WAAS Information Seminar @ Eagle Aviation 7:00 PM RSVP 833-5523
August 18 - Adopt-A-Highway 9 AM _ Cancelled
August 24 - Whiteplains Board Meeting Ken & Peg's Hanger 7:00 PM

Pilots Meeting

The rescheduled Pilot Meeting has been moved to next Monday night Aug. 6th. Location to be determined. Eric Demaray