Whiteplains Plantation SC is a premier residential aviation community. Located 20 minutes W of Columbia, Whiteplains Plantation combines a quiet rural location, friendly neighbors, and access to some of the state’s best schools. There are currently 50+ aircraft based at the airpark. Pattern Altitude 1500' Right traffic 9 - ELV 524' Left traffic 27 - ELV 491' Rwy 3000' X 35' paved Columbia CAE approach FR N 133.4 FR S 124.15 CTAF 122.9 Lighted Dusk to 11:00 pm 5 clicks
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
New Veterinarian near Whiteplains
Dr. Tim Loonam has very recently opened the Grace Animal Hospital and Pet Lodge at 147 Charter Oak Road, Lexington. His phone number is 803-808-7387, with the website of www.gracepets.com. Dr. Loonam was educated at the University of Georgia and treats both small and large animals. Dr. Loonam's first career was in the Army, initially as an infantryman, then the Army facilitated him obtaining his veterinary education, and he then was member of the Army Veterinarian Corps. During his military career he served in Iraq, participated in both battles of Fallujah, and was a survivor of a roadside bomb. He is now setting up his own fulltime practice in Lexington. His office is very well organized and his staff are friendly, helpful, and concerned about animals. Dr. Loonam provided a comprehensive physical exam, with lab work, at a very reasonable fee for our less-than-vet-friendly cat, Katlee, earlier this week. Katlee has had many previous unpleasant vet experiences, but Dr.Loonam was sensitive to her history, managed her fear with in a soothing manner, and let her warm up slowly to the new environment of his office and with him. Dr. Loonam and his staff are interested in not only providing quality care, but also in educating their patients' owners.
Ken and I were most pleased with Dr. Loonam and the Grace Animal Hospital, and want to share this positive reference with our neighbors.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
New Private Pilot, Jackson Murphy
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Steve Mestler and his Republic Seabee

Every time Steve Mestler takes his Republic Seabee out of the hangar, folks turn out to watch! This morning Steve arranged for Lee to have a flight. Lee landed this beautiful ship three times on Lake Murray and came home grinning. Jack Fastnaught, who did the annual on N9042N also took a turn at the yoke. When Steve is not at work flying a 737 around the country , he enjoys sharing his passion with fellow pilots.
Thanks, Steve, you made our day!
Monday, August 21, 2006
Ray Chaplin - New Mower Helper.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Whiteplains Salutes the Hogan Family
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Roadways Are Clean Again

Thanks to 11 hardy folks who turned out to support the Pilots' Association Adopt-a-Highway
pick up program. Diane Fastnaught served a delicious breakfast before the pick up. Thanks Jim Causey and Jack for driving your trucks to pick us up and make the pick up speedy . We had three guests, two elders from Jack and Diane's church, and Spencer Falstad , 7th grader, who was doing service work for his community. A local neighbor who witnessed our efforts gave us her number and wants to be a part of the fun in October.

Friday, August 18, 2006
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Minutes of the Whiteplains Pilots’ Association
Ray Hill – Vice President
Dennis Ramsey - host
The meeting was called to order at 7:03 P.M.
1.Ray Hill read the statement of purpose of the Pilots’ Association.
2. Self – Introductions were made
3. A moment of silence was observed in memory of Frank Skenes
4. The next Pilots’ meeting will be September 18th, 7 P.M. Location to be announced
Ray Hill introduced guest speaker Mike Flack, Executive Director of Columbia Metropolitan Airport who made the following points:
1. CAE has a master plan for the next 20 years which includes
a. Extension of runway 29 by 2400 feet
b. New tower on south side of airport
c. New fire house and National Weather Service buildings
d. Parking structure for rental cars
e. Expansion of terminal building
f. Adding other airlines to serve Columbia
2. For aviation, in general, outlook is strong and new light jets will make impact.
3. Day to day operation of CAE is self sufficient with NO state or local funds. Money comes from fuelage, landing fees and federal moneys. There is NO plan to charge landing fees for GA.
4. Wildlife, esp. deer, coyotes and birds are an on-going safety concern but they due have a plan that has been implemented to manage the problem.
5. The ASR-11 radar upgrade is installed and is up and running.
6. CAE is aware of Whiteplains Plantation and has no problems with our operations.
Mr. Flack complimented Whiteplains’ pilots and said we “are doing it right.”
Jim Wheat made a motion and Dennis Ramsey seconded the motion to accept last meeting’s minutes as is.
Old Business
1. Windsocks – The Board paid for a new windsock which was installed in the center of the field.
Several west end residents bought and installed a new windsock on top of Jack Fastnaught’s hangar.
New Business
1. Strobe for Elam Tower - $895.00
A little history:
Ray Elam, former hangar owner and pilot, was an active member of the Pilot’s Association. He often flew at night and found it difficult to locate SC99 at night especially when arriving from the north. Before his untimely death in April 2003, he proposed that a beacon be erected at Whiteplains on his hangar (-which is now owned by James and Joann Kiesler). After his death, Lloyd Krueger donated the present tower, and under the direction of Lee Van Wormer the tower was erected .
The aircraft strobe, which was erected at the top of the tower, operated briefly and then failed. Rotating beacons were procured from the South Carolina Division of Aeronautics, at no cost, but were determined to be too heavy for the present tower’s structure. At that time, the six pound, $895.00 airport identification beacon was selected as the proper equipment. In the Fall of 2005 the members of the Pilots’ Association voted in favor of erecting a beacon.
In the Spring of 2006 the board voted to scrap the plan for a beacon and then reversed it’s decision a few months later. Some felt it was not needed, others felt it would be a “light pollution” to the neighborhood. There was vocal support from a number of pilots in favor of the beacon with offers of donated money in May of 2006.
Given the fact that the $895.00 beacon will be pilot controlled, it will illuminate the environment for a maximum of 10 to 15 minutes and ONLY when a pilot manually turns it on with five clicks of the mike. The VASI light will come on simultaneously.
Current Action
Ray Hill shared a photo of the $895.00 beacon and renewed the Pilot’s Association support of purchasing and installing the beacon.
Ken Plesser, President of the Board, stated that the Board has money for all supporting costs such as wiring and labor but not for the beacon itself.
$130.00 cash and $35.00 in pledges was raised tonight by auctioning items donated by Ray Hill.
Pledge coupons were passed out for folks to donate money to the fund.
Checks may be made out to Pilots’ Association treasurer, Terry Yon, and mailed to him at 309 Whiteplains Place, Gilbert, SC 29054
2. There was no treasurer’s report as the treasurer was not present
3. Don Cook – Airside Operations
a. Don reported that the sides of the runway have been sprayed to keep the weeds down.
b. Don reports water erosion and damage from truck traffic on the runway.
c. A large pile of sand/clay was dumped at the side of the taxiway to stop erosion and poses a potential safety issue for low-winged aircraft. An e-mail of this potential hazard was sent to all pilots
4. Todd Falstad - Safety Coordinator
a. Todd reminded pilots of hazards of the dirt pile beside the taxiway
b. Todd spoke about Density Altitude and our need to be vigilant when flying in extremely hot weather. RUN YOUR NUMBERS. Your aircraft may not be running as efficiently as it did when the stats were written for it. You may have added extra weight in avionics and wiring not removed with upgrades. There is a slope in our runway and tall trees at the end. MAKE SURE YOUR AIRCRAFT WILL LIFT OFF IN THE DISTANCE WE HAVE HERE AT SC99. SAFETY FIRST.
5. Bill Como – Residential operations
a. Bill thanked Lee Van Wormer for the many, many hours he devoted to
mowing in the past .
b. Bill thanked Don Cook, Hal Clark, Jim Causey, Micah Froese and john Gardner for the many hours they donated to testing new equipment and for keeping Whiteplains mowed this summer.
c. Bill stated that the SCAG mower is exceeding the expectations they
had for it and welcomed additional volunteers to be trained and to donate and hour or two of their time for mowing and keeping our community beautiful. Call Bill at 951-0773 to schedule a 15 minute training session.
d. Memorial Park – Bill introduced an entirely new project and solicited
volunteers to serve on a committee to develop the idea of a memorial park which would include benches, and possibly stones with names of deceased residents, to form a patio. The benches could be erected in the larger of the two islands, under the Pecan trees, on Cirrus Lane and could be welcome places for people to gather or sit as they walked around our neighborhood.
The idea of a flag pole was mentioned but the final plan would be left up to a committee. Bill received a number of volunteers who will begin to plan. He mentioned that a conduit, or sleeve, already exists running under the roadway for electrical or water needs.
Funds for this Memorial Park would be allocated by the Board.
e. Lighting at the main entrance to Phase I has been fixed.
f. The sprinkler system at the entrance to Phase II still has not been fixed.
6. Nancy Van Wormer – Communications Coordinator
a. Don Cook was thanked for the outstanding job he has done on the
Whiteplains Blogspot. He has kept it up to date and it is a place any resident can go to find out current information, meeting minutes, upcoming events, birth dates and photos. Be sure to add this to your list of favorites: whiteplainscommunity.blogspot.com . If you have any appropriate postings please send them to Don.
b. Peggy Como was thanked for her recent work in organizing
donations for flowers for Frank Skenes’ funeral. In addition to the
beautiful flower arrangement a check for $102.00 was sent to
Odyssey Hospice in Whiteplains’ name. Thanks to all who made a donation.
c. Peg Peterson’s committee has had no new residents to welcome
d. At the next Pilots’ Meeting, an October date will be announced for group photos for the 2007 Whiteplains calendar.
e. Adopt-A-Highway – Diane and Jack Fastnaught will host the pick up on Saturday, August 19th. Gather at their home at 8:30 for goodies. Pick up at 9:00 A.M.
7. Lee Van Wormer stated that Ray Hill, Vice-President, will continue to run
Pilots’Association meetings while he remains on medical leave.
In lieu of the raffle of aviation items, an auction was held and all moneys donated to the fund for a beacon. A total of $130.00 was raised by this simple auction that was “called” by auctioneer, Bill Como. This activity produced much laughter and fun for all involved.
Foggles - $5.00 Dennis Ramsey
Windshield Cleaner $4.50 Todd Falstaad
Windshield Cleaner $4.00 Ro Lucas
Fuel tester $2.00 James Kiesler
Multi-tool $8.50 Nancy Van Wormer
Flight desk $10.00 James Kiesler
Sam Lyons print $35.00 Michael Benton
Sam Lyons print $40.00 Dennis Ramsey
Don Cook won the $21.00 raffle and donated it to the beacon fund. Thank you, Don.
Neighbors enjoyed the delicious sandwiches and cookies provided by Ray Hill.
Ray thanked Dennis Ramsey for hosting the meeting and asked for a volunteer for the September meeting. Call Ray Hill to offer your hangar.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:25 P.M. Notes taken by Nancy Van Wormer 8/18/06
SeaBee Flying Again!
Monday, August 14, 2006
That time again folks!
Where? Jack & Diane Fastnaugt's home.
What time? 8:30 for Breakfast and Vest hand outs!
What is it? Clean up day. EVERYONE is invited. So come on out and enjoy the morning with your Whiteplains neighbors in this worth while opportunity.
Whiteplains UNICOM #8: Memorial Park
Whiteplains is more than just a neighborhood, it is a place where people enjoy socializing with one another, taking a walk on cool mornings or evenings, jogging, riding or flying our favorite toys. It is also a neighborhood that will be here for a long time.
I would like to propose that we establish a Memorial Park located on the larger of the two islands in Phase II. This can be done as simply as by pouring a 10 x 10 concrete pad and providing two concrete benches for those who would like to rest during their walks or just a place to talk under the shade of the pecan trees. A flag pole would be erected on this site, along with a memorial of some kind to reflect the names of residents or property owners who have passed away. The memorial can be set up in a variety of ways: a large stone with names etched on the face of it, engraved brick pavers, etc. I am sure a committee would have to be established to decide! In so doing, the Elam Tower could be used for that purpose, a tower, not as a flag pole. A professional looking flag pole to fly the US flag along with the Whiteplains flag would also be part of the installation. This site would be very easy to maintain.
Of course, more research will have to go into it, i.e., check with close neighbors, get a consensus and (naturally) a vote to expend funds to cover the minimal costs. Your comments please - either for or against? Please e-mail me your thoughts.
Bill Como
(Kevin will be leaving for active duty on August 24th, 2006)
DATE: AUGUST 19, 2006
TIME: 6:00 PM TILL 9:00 PM
RSVP - 359-9517 OR 957-6663
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Whiteplains Pilots’ Association
Ray Hill, VP
Hosting Hangar; Dennis Ramsey
Welcome Pilots and Guests
Statement of Purpose
“The purpose of the Whiteplains Pilots Association is to promote aviation safety, camaraderie among the Whiteplains pilots and promote communications with the pilot community.”
Sign in Sheet with e-mail addresses
Frank Skenes July 5, 1942-July 17, 2006
Mr. Mike Flack,
Executive Director, Columbia Airport
Future Plans
Acceptance of May 15, 2006 Meeting Minutes
Old Business
New Business
Auction of artwork for funding the Elam Tower Strobe
Treasurers Report; Terry Yon
Airside Report: Don Cook
Safety Report; Todd Falstad
Residential Side Report; Bill Como
Communications Report; Nancy Van Wormer
Whiteplains Board Report; Ken Plesser
Cash Drawing
Taxi alert
The pile is low enough that it won't affect taxiing by high-wing airplanes, but low-wingers (Mooneys especially) might want to consider back-taxiing on the runway to avoid clipping the pile with a wingtip.
Whiteplains UNICOM #7: Help Wanted
We realized that we needed either more volunteer labor or more cash. Paying for needed services would require special assessments and a significant regime fee increase… therefore we chose to implement a structure of volunteers to help us get our work accomplished at minimum cost.
This has worked well, up to a point. We are keeping up with maintenance, and even making some improvements. But, to move ahead, we need more volunteers. If everyone could give just an hour or two a month to the community, we could continue to make great improvements to our environment.
What kind of volunteers and skills do we need? Glad you asked…
We need more lawn mower operators for the common areas and unimproved lots. See Bill Como or Don Cook to volunteer and get trained on our fancy new equipment. We also need a weed-whacking brigade and blower operators to support the mower drivers with trim and clean-up work. Can you spare an hour or two a month for this? Again, see Bill or Don.
We also need folks with a wide range of professional/technical skills to offer their services to the community. Just to name a few: a landscaper to advise us of how to keep both entranceways looking the best at the lowest possible cost, folks knowledgeable in insurance and tax matters to help the Board with financial issues, an electrical expert to keep our lights burning brightly and our gates working, and construction people to help us maintain and upgrade our infrastructure. Perhaps you have some talent (or interest) that would benefit us all.
There will continue to be more committees formed to look at specific issues. We’ve had a Mowing Committee and an Insurance Committee so far. Right now, we’re starting a Signage Committee to evaluate all Whiteplains signage. Another couple of members are needed.
The people currently in leadership positions won’t keep those jobs forever, so we’re always looking for residents to get involved and then to step up to larger roles. This includes, obviously, serving on the Board of Directors (among other things).
The Whiteplains retirees have been doing a lot of the work because, frankly, they have more free time. Nonetheless, there are opportunities for everyone to contribute. The payoff is in meeting and getting to know your neighbors, and in making your community a better place in which to live. Please consider it. No, don’t just consider it… pick up the phone and call Bill or Don or me and say that you want to join the team working long sweaty hours with little appreciation.
Ken Plesser, President
Whiteplains Plantation Association
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Whiteplains UNICOM #6: Hooray for Whiteplains
2006 is more than half-way over (only 140 shopping days left before Christmas), and a neighbor recently pointed out that it might be a good time to put out a UNICOM that reflects upon all of the good things that have happened in Whiteplains since the start of the year. The list is long.
Three houses have been completed, and we have welcomed the Souders, the Bridgers, the Nashes and the Bentons into the community. Three more houses are under construction: the Sislers, Lloyd Krueger, and the lucky family who will buy the Eastpointe spec house. Hangars are under roof for Dick Hitt and Vic Carilli, and ground has been broken for hangars for Ray Hill and Tommy Robbins.
Dennis Perry and Ray Ackerman have received their Commercial pilot’s certificate. Instrument rating training is underway for James Kiesler, Adam Skenes and Michael Cone… all under the watchful eye of instructor Jack Fastnaught.
Dennis Ramsey’s Mooney, along with the Froese/Fastnaught/Cone/Ackerman Mooney have received new instrument panels and avionics. Eric Demaray’s Cassutt got a fancy new paint job. Ray Chaplin’s Zenith and Bob Chatham’s RV-6 move closer and closer to completion… Ray expects the first flight in a month or so.
We have moved towards better landscape maintenance all around with the acquisition of a new commercial-grade mower. By cutting the unimproved lots for a fee, we are providing a service to absentee landowners while generating a revenue stream that is defraying the cost of mower acquisition.
We have devoted a very substantial $13,000 to the paving reserve this year, and we are meeting budget targets in all other categories.
We have put out one issue of a paper newsletter, and Don Cook’s blog provides a real-time update to the goings-on in the Whiteplains family.
The community has taken ownership of the Phase II infrastructure and the runway parcel from the developer. This will bring additional responsibilities and costs, but it is a very important milestone in the community’s march towards completion and self-governance.
A pretty good list for only a little more than six months. Just a few more reasons to be glad that we all live in one of the finest community of its kind in the nation.
Ken Plesser, President
Whiteplains Plantation Association
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Whiteplains Calender
Aug 8 - Dennis Perry
Aug 14 - Houston Smith
Aug 23 - Bill Como
SC B/C Dates:
Aug 13 - Aiken (AIK)
Aug 27 - Camden (CDN)
Other Dates:
Aug 19 - National Aviation Day!