Monday’s board meeting had a good turn out with thirteen residents and five board members in attendance. If you have never been to one, come on out to the next one and see how your community government works.
It was reported that the lawn mower is paid off. Not bad for only its second year. To date we have almost 100 hours on the mower that has worked flawlessly. Thanks to Bill Como and Jim Causey for making this happen.
Bill Como reported that the Sign's are all installed and came in under budget. Thanks to Vicky, Bill and Don for making it all happen.
Bill also reported that volunteers are still needed for mowing and weed whacking. Volunteers help keep the regime fees low. If you want them to stay low, then volunteering an hour or two of your time would really help and be appreciated by all the current volunteers.
The windsock has been repaired. The part that keeps failing is made of thin plastic and isn’t the right material for this application. Maybe we can get one of the machine folks to make us one out of metal if it fails again.

Ken reported that the green light for the beacon has failed. They are going to check and see if a pulley can be installed on a tree on the property behind Whiteplains. This is need so that we have a way to lower the tower to make repairs on it, such as the beacon light and flags. A new American flag was purchased for the tower. They are going to purchase a new Whiteplains flag as the old one is in bad shape. Ken also reported that he has a lead for acquiring replacement runway lights.