Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Whiteplains Calendar October 2007

Member Birthdays:

October 2 - Michael Cone
October 3 - Jim Wheat

October 15 - Jamie Black & Lisa Sowder
October 16 - Michelle Cone
October 18 - Kelly Branning

October 20 - Kay Meyer & Alan Sisler
October 21 - Jeff Cargile
October 24 - Peg Peterson
October 30 - Ray Ackerman

SC BC Dates:

October 7 - Camden (CDN)
October 28 - Barnwell (BNL)

Other Dates:

October 8 - Columbus Day
October 31 - Halloween

Whiteplains UNICOM #15: Assessments for 2008

At the October 1 meeting of the Board of Directors, the Board members, along with the 15 residents in attendance, discussed the subject of property assessments (regime fees) for 2008. An analysis of our budget history for the past two years was presented by the Treasurer, and an analysis of the adequacy of our contributions to the paving reserve was discussed by the President.

The members of the Board felt that our community’s financial situation is stable and satisfactory, so no increase in fees is warranted for 2008.

Therefore, the basic annual fee will remain as it was for 2007. That is, $220 per lot or parcel, with a $110 aviation surcharge for runway-access home lots. Invoices will be mailed in early December (along with the ballot).

We should all thank the members of the Board, the committee chairmen and the many neighborhood volunteers for the careful planning, fiscal austerity and an untold number of volunteer hours that made it possible to forego a fee increase this year.

Ken Plesser, President
Whiteplains Plantation Association