Thursday, December 08, 2016

FAA Updates Icing Training Video

You should do this like the airlines do and make the “due date” for completion of this “training" April 1...

On Dec 7, 2016, at 4:44 PM, 'Michael Ballee' via Whiteplains Pilots List <> wrote:

Its that time of year to refresh icing and the FAA has this updated video for training, a good source of information.
Mike Ballee


With winter on the way for much of the U.S., the FAA has released a new training video about the dangers of ice-induced stalls. “Much has occurred since NASA's original 1998 ice-contaminated tailplane stall video,” the FAA said. “The information in this training video supersedes, supplants, and replaces the instruction in all previous NASA tail stall icing training videos.” The video aims to “make pilots aware that vigilance is necessary to avoid the low-speed stall accidents that occur in icing, especially with the autopilot engaged.”
The video explores various scenarios and ends with a detailed safety checklist. FAA test pilot G.M. Baker advises pilots to know their airplane and check the weather. “Be vigilant of your airspeed when in icing conditions,” he says. “Do not let airspeed decrease unabated … When you’re in ice, work to get out.” AOPA’s Air Safety Institute and NASA also collaborated in producing the 30-minute video.

Saturday, December 03, 2016

Previous Whiteplains Plantation Member Passes - Susan Clark

Prayers for Hal
Two days ago my brother Hal Clark's wife of 43 years, Sue Clark, passed over to a better place. Although she had been experiencing health problems her death was unexpected. Our heart and prayers are with Hal during this difficult time and we will miss Sue and always cherish her place in our family. Please send prayers of healing to Hal.
 — with Susan Clark and Hal Clark.

Follow up from Hal...

Hal Clark To All Our Friends At Whiteplains. As you now know my loving wife and best friend Susan has passed to the other side on Nov 30. Sue had a fairly mild form of MS and a host of other medical issues but we didn’t think any of them were life threatening. About 2 months ago she developed a cough that would not go away and then she starting having breathing problems at night when she laid down. A little over a month ago she was having difficulty breathing and passed out as I was calling 911. They put her on a ventilator for a day at the hospital but she bounced back and was discharged in a few days. They ran several tests and determined that she had a blood clot in her lungs and her heart was not pumping blood efficiently (30-40% when it should be 60%). They prescribed some drugs but a month later she had another breathing problem at night and when I saw her blood oxygen level drop to 80% I called 911. Unfortunately her heart stopped from lack of oxygen just as the medics arrived and they worked on her for 30 minutes to get her pulse back before transporting her to the hosp. CT scans showed brain damage and swelling from lack of oxygen which caused her blood pressure and heart rate to run wild which her heart just could not sustain and she passed peacefully that same day. She never regained consciousness. I now realize she had all the classic symptoms of congestive heart failure but she and the doctors did not think she was that close to death. We were still making plans to move the RV from CA to FL the day before she passed. Spiritually I think that we all have some control on how and when we pass and Sue was not one for lingering. She had taken her body as far as it would go while still having a good quality of life. But such a quick passing left me no time to prepare for this and I will be grieving her lose for some time.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

FAA Safety Briefing November - 2016

Dear FAA, Tell Me Why ... 
The November/December 2016 issue of FAA Safety Briefing focuses on many of the questions the FAA commonly receives from the public, as well as how to interact more effectively with the agency. Areas of discussion include aviation rulemaking, airman rules and regulations, and pilot resources.
Feature Articles include:
  • What is the Federal Register- Why is it Important? PDF P.10
  • Out for Comments - Why does it Take So Long to Process a Rule? PDF P.12
  • What if the Rule Doesn't Fit? - Exemptions, Waivers, Deviations, and Authorizations  PDF P.14
  • Who's in Charge? - Logging Pilot in Command Time PDF P.16
  • Breaking Bad - What to Do When You See Someone Doing Something Wrong PDF P.20
  • Safety in Numbers - Understanding the Parameters for Small UAS Operations PDF P.24
  • Why Can't I Uber with my Airplane? - The Legalities of Ridesharing in the Skies PDF P.29
The link to the online edition is:
Produced by the editors, FAA Safety Briefing,
Address questions or comments to:

Follow us on Twitter @FAASafetyBrief or

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Wednesday, November 02, 2016

TFR Alert

A NOTAM has been published (FDC 6/0808) that will affect flight in the area during President Obama's planned visit. 


On the FAYETTEVILLE VOR/DME (FAY) 340 degree radial at 8.4 nautical miles.
From the surface up to but not including 18,000 feet MSL.
2:15 PM local until 5:45 PM local Friday, November 4, 2016



On the FAYETTEVILLE VOR/DME (FAY) 332 degree radial at 13 nautical miles.
From the surface up to but not including 18,000 feet MSL.
2:15 PM local until 3:15 PM local Friday, November 4, 2016
4:45 PM local until 5:45 PM local Friday, November 4, 2016


On the FAYETTEVILLE VOR/DME (FAY) 350 degree radial at 5.2 nautical miles.
From the surface up to but not including 18,000 feet MSL.
2:30 PM local until 5:30 PM local Friday, November 4, 2016

Affected Public Use Airports

KFAY Fayetteville Rgnl/Grannis Field
5W4 P K Airpark
2GC Grays Creek
KHRJ Harnett Rgnl Jetport
KSOP Moore County
BQ1 Gilliam - Mc Connell Airfield
KMEB Laurinburg-Maxton
KCTZ Clinton-Sampson County
KTTA Raleigh Exec Jetport At Sanford-Lee County
KLBT Lumberton Rgnl 
No pilots may operate an aircraft in the areas covered by this NOTAM (except as described).
Except as specified below and/or unless authorized by ATC in consultation with the air traffic security coordinator via the domestic events network (DEN):
A. All aircraft operations within the 10 NMR area(s) listed above, known as the inner core(s), are prohibited except for: Approved law enforcement, military aircraft directly supporting the United States Secret Service (USSS) and the office of the President of the United States, approved air ambulance flights, and regularly scheduled commercial passenger and all-cargo carriers operating under one of the following TSA-Approved standard security programs/procedures: aircraft operator standard security program (AOSSP), full all-cargo aircraft operator standard security program (FACAOSSP), model security program (MSP), twelve five standard security program (TFSSP) all cargo, or all-cargo international security procedure (ACISP) and are arriving into and/or departing from 14 cfr part 139 airports. All emergency/life saving flight (medical/law enforcement/firefighting) operations must coordinate with ATC prior to their departure at 910-484-8012 to avoid potential delays.
B. For operations within the airspace between the 10 nmr and 32 nmr area(s) listed above, known as the outer ring(s): All aircraft operating within the outer ring(s) listed above are limited to aircraft arriving or departing local airfields, and workload permitting, ATC may authorize transit operations. Aircraft may not loiter. All aircraft must be on an active IFR or VFR flight plan with a discrete code assigned by an air traffic control (ATC) facility. Aircraft must be squawking the discrete code prior to departure and at all times while in the TFR and must remain in two-way radio communications with ATC.
C. The following operations are not authorized within this TFR: flight training, practice instrument approaches, aerobatic flight, glider operations, seaplane operations, parachute operations, ultralight, hang gliding, balloon operations, agriculture/crop dusting, animal population control flight operations, banner towing operations, sightseeing operations, maintenance test flights, model aircraft operations, model rocketry, unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), and utility and pipeline survey operations.
D. FAA recommends that all aircraft operators check notams frequently for possible changes to this TFR prior to operations within this region.
Click here to view FAA NOTAM FDC 6/0808 for Fayetteville, NC on Friday, November 4, 2016
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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Trees are turning in NC Mountains.

     Photo by: Don Cook

Flew with Phil and Dough to NC yesterday 10/18 to see if the trees were turning and they are. Good time to make a trip and see for yourselves.




Sent: Wed 10/19/16 5:22 PM
FAA Safety Team | Safer Skies Through Education
Notice Number: NOTC6750

Proliferation of privately-owned unmanned systems causing safety concerns at air show venues
LEESBURG, Va. - Sept. 28, 2016 - Leave the flying to the professionals. That’s the message coming from The International Council of Air Shows (ICAS) out of concern for spectator safety and the safety of air show pilots who will fly nearly 10,000 performances at over 300 North American events this year.

Carrying forward and supporting the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) “No Drone Zone,” “Leave Your Drone at Home,” and “Know Before You Fly” initiatives, ICAS wants air show spectators and those in an air show venue’s surrounding area to understand that flying an unmanned aircraft in unauthorized air space is not just illegal, but unnecessarily puts people at risk.

“Even one close call is too many,” said John Cudahy, ICAS president and CEO. “While performing, air show pilots require total concentration and precision. If a drone interferes with an aircraft’s flight path, that’s a distraction that could have disastrous consequences. If a drone actually collides with a plane while that plane is performing an aerobatic maneuver, the result could be catastrophic for the pilot and the viewing public.”
North American air shows are highly regulated and regarded as the safest in the world. Air show pilots go through a battery of medical assessments, aerobatic competency evaluations and certifications before being able to perform. There hasn’t been a spectator fatality in North America since 1952.

Pilot reports of unmanned aircraft increased dramatically in 2015, from a total of 238 sightings in all of 2014, to more than 650 by August of 2015. The FAA in recent months has sent out a clear message that operating drones around airplanes and helicopters is dangerous and illegal. Unauthorized operators may be subject to stiff fines and criminal charges, including possible jail time.

“We want everyone at air shows to enjoy their experience without having to worry about or experience the repercussions of a drone-related accident,” said Cudahy. “There are plenty of outlets to see great air show video footage and photos taken by professionals. Leave the flying and photography to the professionals and come see the air show in person.”

The FAA is leading a public outreach campaign to promote safe and responsible use of unmanned aircraft systems and offers a digital toolkit with downloadable outreach materials to federal, state, and other partners to educate unmanned aircraft operators that flying in certain areas is prohibited.

About the International Council of Air Shows
Headquartered in Leesburg, Va., ICAS was founded in 1967 as a trade and professional association by industry professionals to protect and promote their interests in the growing North American air show marketplace.
For questions or comments please contact Matt Warnock,

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Sunday, October 16, 2016

Update on Ron Greenfield

Ron Greenfield update:  1:31 PM 10-17-216

I am doing better. Still not stable on my feet. Should be home in a couple days to recover with outpatient therapy. 

10-1-2016  8:07 Pm
Pam Rice Tronco Greenfield

10 mins · West Columbia · 
UPDATE: we saw the doctor and he said the CT scan and MRI showed the brain bleed didn't bleed alot. That is great news! He said he has a malformation in some veins in the lower back part of his brain. Probably born with it.
The doctor said he probably won't have another bleed there. No reason for it to have happened, just a fluke.
They are moving him to a regular room and he will stay in the hospital 2 or 3 days so the brain can heal and so he can get his balance back.
Thanks for the thoughts and prayers.
Ron Greenfield is a lucky man.

Ron Greenfield

Pam Rice Tronco Greenfield

2 hrs · West Columbia · 
Last night Ron was admitted to the hospital. He had a bad headache, nausea, and he felt dizzy and unbalanced. The did a CT scan and found that he had a brain bleed. They are running test and did another CT scan and a MRI this morning. We do not know the results of either test and we have not seen the doctor yet.
He is resting and is comfortable. They gave him something for the headache and it is much better.
He is in ICU so they can monitor the bleed.
Thank you for the calls and text messages. I will give an update as soon as we know more.
We appreciate your prayers.

Friday, September 09, 2016

Old dog, new trick: Transponder use on the airport surface

 August 25, 2016

Mike Yodice
  • Director of Legal Service Plans at Yodice Associates
  • Counsels Legal Services Plan/Pilot Protection Services members on FAA compliance and enforcement
  • Regularly flies a Piper J-3 Cub and a Cherokee 180
By now, many of you have heard or read that the FAA and air traffic control want us to ensure that our transponders are on and in the altitude reporting mode while operating on movement areas at all airports. If you’re like me and sometimes slow to adapt to change, particularly when it involves ingrained flying habits and procedures, it may take some getting used to. In the meantime, at least for most of us, noncompliance shouldn’t be an issue that leads to FAA enforcement.
If you learned to fly more than a few years ago, you were probably taught to turn your transponder on just prior to takeoff and to turn it off (or to standby) after landing and taxiing off the runway, whether at a towered or nontowered field. For many years this was the practice as promoted in the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM). The language in the AIM changed in 2012, 2014, and then again in 2016. In the current chapter 4 of the AIM, it now reads “Civil and military aircraft should operate with the transponder in the altitude reporting mode and ADS-B Out transmissions enabled (if equipped) at all airports, any time the aircraft is positioned on any portion of the airport movement area.” It goes on to relate certain other details, but the basic takeaway is that ATC now wants the transponder on for all operations in movement areas, i.e. at airports with operating control towers.
The change is associated with the transition to the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) and includes the coordination of Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) and Airport Surface Surveillance Capability (ASSC). The effectiveness of the system relies on participation. More and more aircraft equipped with ADS-B Out are coming out and according to the FAA website, the ASSC system is installed at 35 major airports. Why then does the FAA want the transponder on at all towered airports, even the ones without ASSC? For enhanced safety where transponders are readable, and I guess they want to re-train us in advance of the 2020 mandate.
So will you get into trouble for noncompliance—forgetting to turn on or off your transponder? For most of us, the answer is no. It’s not required if you’re not ADS-B Out equipped as the AIM guidance is nonregulatory. If you have ADS-B Out equipment installed, however, 14 CFR 91.225(f) requires that your transponder must be in transmit mode at all times. And, if ATC asks you to turn on or off your transponder, whether ADS-B equipped or not, you should comply—compliance with ATC operational instructions is required in accordance with 14 CFR 91.123(b).
I am still adjusting to the change and I sometimes revert to old habits by turning the transponder off and on at the wrong times. So far, neither the controllers at my home airport, Frederick Municipal Airport (no radar), nor the controllers at Potomac Approach seem to notice, or care, when my transponder is in the wrong mode while on the airport movement area in my non-ADS-B-equipped aircraft.

Link to AOPA;