Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Last of the Flying B29's

Movie link:    http://vimeo.com/17388627

Gilbert-Summit Fire Department BBQ

(Whiteplains Plantation Announcement)
The Gilbert-Summit Fire Department Annual BBQ will be held on Saturday, April 30th.  Whiteplains is their largest single order each year, and they truly appreciate our help.   Pork or Chicken plates are available for only $8.00 each.  Donations are also appreciated. 

Tickets are available from Jim Wheat, Steve Sanderson, or me.  If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 358-1138 or 730-8090.

Steve Sanderson has volunteered his hangar and arrangements will be made for all the meals to be delivered there on Saturday, April 30th at 11:30 am.  You can take them home or eat there if you like.

For your information, the Gilbert-Summit Station is now staffed around the clock.  In event of a fire or emergency their response time will be even better.  Let’s all pitch in and support our local fire department.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Spring Breakfast 3-27-2011

Special thanks to Alice & Willem Meiners for hosting this mornings Spring Time Breakfast.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Spring Break Breakfast - 3-27-2011

Hello neighbors!

We're serving our Welcome Spring! breakfast in our hangar this Sunday morning, March 27. Everyone is invited! There'll be eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuits+sausage gravy, grits, coffee, orange juice.

Walk in at any time between 7:30 - 10AM. If you have guests over for the weekend, bring them too. The more, the merrier. Everybody loves Springtime!
RSVPs (email or 803 808 3568) are certainly encouraged, but last-minute deciders are just as welcome. Be careful crossing the runway if you're parking off the taxiway.
Once again the Heli Deli is looking forward to seeing and feeding you.

Happy Spring!
--Alice & Willem Meiners

Garmin GTN Flight Trial

Check out the new Garmin GTN. I want one.

Monday, March 21, 2011

K-Club 3-21,2011

Photos from this morning. It was almost a record. 
Thanks to all for helping welcome Dr. Dr. Mike Wilson as our guest.
Best regards.........................ss    

Saturday, March 19, 2011

EAA 242 - Young Eagles Event 3-26-2011

EAA chapter 242 is having a Young Eagles event Saturday 3-26-2011 at Owens Airport. The pilots meeting starts at 8:30 AM.  They are meeting at the Eagle Aviation hanger, not the EAA 242 club house.  If you can help out plan on making the 8:30 pilots meeting.


Don Cook
Whiteplains Young Eagle Director

Friday, March 18, 2011

Arno Froese

You may be interested in this artical about Micah's dad.

New FAA Wings Program

61-91J - WINGS - Pilot Proficiency Programs
Date Issued: February 16, 2011
Responsible Office - AFS-800
The objective of the WINGS—Pilot Proficiency Program is to reduce the number of accidents in General Aviation (GA) by assisting airmen to find educational opportunities designed to help them apply the principles of risk assessment and risk management (RM). When properly applied, these principles will help mitigate accident causal factors associated with common pilot errors, lack of proficiency, and faulty knowledge. The Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) purpose is to encourage the majority of GA pilots, through WINGS, to engage in ongoing, targeted flying tasks and learning activities keyed to identified risks and which are designed to mitigate those risks. The FAA continually collects and assesses its databases to identify the risks associated with GA flying and incorporates risk mitigation strategies into initial and ongoing pilot education.
PDF File:  http://www.faa.gov/documentLibrary/media/Advisory_Circular/AC%2061-91J.pdf

Runway Light Update 3-17-2011

The Runway Light Improvement Committee, under the leadership of Ken Plesser,
made great progress yesterday afternoon.

Photos by the camera shy Steve Sanderson

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Chicken Bog Fundraiser 3-19-2011

Hello Whiteplains Neighbors,

I am Trevor Black of 204 Cirrus Lane. I am a Gilbert High School Varsity Baseball Player.  We are holding our annual GHS Baseball Chicken Bog Fundraiser Saturday, March 19th from 11:30-1:30 at the GHS Cafeteria.  This is our biggest fundraiser of the year. The plates are 5:00 a piece. 
As a bonus to all my neighbors here at Whiteplains, I will deliver your plate to your door at no extra charge!  Thats a $5.00 meal delivered to your door!  To place your order you may email me at we4fly@windstream.net, or leave a message at 808-6890.  Please place your order by March 15th.   Make sure to include your name, street address, and number of plates you would like.  You can pay at the time of delivery.  We will start delivering the plates around 12:00.  (If you prefer to pick up your plate at the Cafeteria let me know and Ill sell you a ticket in advance.  Just call me and Ill bring the ticket to you)
Thank you for supporting the GHS Baseball Program!

# 21 Trevor Black

Friday, March 04, 2011

Runway Light Update 3 3 2011

Pictures and Photoshow by: Don Cook

Progress is being made on the runway lights. To date, 10 lights have been done. Thanks to everyone that helped so far.

If you didn't get a chance to help, your in luck, we have many more to go.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011