Sunday, February 28, 2010

Landing at Whiteplains

Steve Sanderson landing on 27 at Whiteplains 2-28-2010

Pilots Meeting 3-1-2010


Disaster Action Plan Presentation.

Change of Speakers: Todd can not make it, so we will have a different speaker.

A well known "mystery" guest will give some interesting details about local pilot's and their "learning" experiences. Come see if you are one of those "presented."

We may have a $100,000 door prize - or not - you must be present to win - depends on whether I hit the lottery today.

Be there or be square.

thank you,

Terry Yon

(This will be a Monday night)

This is the date for the next Pilot's Association Meeting.
Place: Jim Wheat's hangar
Time: 7:00 PM

This is a very important meeting.
It is time to elect the Chairperson that will serve the Pilot's Association for the next 2 years.

Our guest speaker is scheduled to be Todd Clamp. Todd will be discussing many topics including safety. Have your questions ready for Todd to answer.

Show up and share your interest in the Pilot's Association of Whiteplains.

Look forward to seeing a large turnout for this meeting.

Jim Wheat

Friday, February 26, 2010

Flight of five to the Florida Keys

Last week several of us flew down to the Florida Keys in a flight of five.  Below is a short slide show.  Thanks to Bill Como and John Gardner for letting me tag along with them.  We all had a nice time, just wish the weather was a tad warmer. Trip dates 2-18 to 2-21-2010.

Photos by: Don Cook

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Windy Road Cleanup

A small but MIGHTY crew did the roadside cleanup on Saturday, February 20th. After a lovely breakfast at Fastnaughts, we all loaded into Jim Causey'struck and hit the road. Nine of us collected 16 bags of trash along Windy Road and Golden Jubilee. Thanks to Diane for breakfast and to Jim for being our mission commander.

Picture and report by: Steve Sanderson

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Short Flight over Whiteplains

Michael Benton was the only brave fellow that would go up with me to do a short photo hop over Whiteplains.  Come and join us. The weather is great, and the runway is plowed.  Thanks to Dennis Perry.

Showman Challenge

Looks like no one else was up to the snowman challenge on the PH1 side. Here is our "Tropical Snowlady"

Wesley Haltiwanger

White Wonderland at Whiteplains Plantation

We went from this last night to this this morning.  I checked my GPS and it still says that we are in South Carolina, but when I look out the window I wonder if that could be.  This stuff should be up north.

Click on Dennis to see slide show.

Photos by: Posie and Don Cook

Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow Day at Pictures

Wesley Haltiwanger wanted to share some snow pictures with us. 

Thanks Wesley!


Whiteplains Plantation Snow Man Challange

Ok..... Phase II has a snowman.  Lets see what you can do.  Send us your best photo of your snowman.

Runway is closed until further notice.

Whiteplains Snow Crew of One

Received this picture of Dennis getting the snow plow ready.  You can all rest easy tonight knowing Dennis is one the job.

Photo by: Gwen Mochak

Snow Day at Whiteplains Plantation

We got some snow today 2-12-2010 starting around 4 pm.  This is a short video of the snow take up till 5:00 pm.  Right now it is 6:15 pm and we have two inches on the ground.  I'll upload a newer video later on.
Reported by: Don Cook

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

What's going on at Whiteplains?

Jack Fastnaught waits for a customer.

Steve Crimm joins the K-Club

Clem Spencer waits for his house to be finished

  Mike Moore waits for a hangar roof. 

Jim Franklin waits for a hangar door.

Photo's by: Steve Sanderson Whiteplains Cub Reporter

Monday, February 08, 2010

Video Taken at Oshkosh 2009 slickhutto

After an excellent 10 day trip that was condensed into 6 hours of HD video, I am finally able to present to you this year's EAA Airventure music video. To the tune of "The Killers - All These Thing... Video by: Slickhutto

Teacher - Colonel Causey

Four shots of Colonel Causey showing Dick Hitt and Don Cook how to build an airplane. One shot of work crew helping Jack Fastnaught in his hangar.  Jack also hooked up a remote control for his hanger door.

Photos by: Steve Sanderson

Monday, February 01, 2010

Cool Morning at Whiteplains 2-1-2010

This is what we woke up to this morning.  A nice 19 degrees with lots of frost.  I hope spring is not far off.  See forcase below.

Whiteplains Calendar February 2010

Additions to Calendar - SCBC Dates

Feb -   7 - Lancaster (LKR)
Feb - 21 - Rock Hill (UZA)

Click on calendar for larger view.