Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Happy New Year 2020 - From Whiteplains Plantation Airpark -


Special thanks to Steve and Bobbie Crimm for hosting the 
New Years Eve 2020 
Get together.

Click on any picture to see full size.

Photos by: Don Cook 

Whiteplains Plantation - Annual Meeting Date Announced

The date for next year's Annual Meeting is Friday the 17th of January at Ken's hangar.
Starting at 6:30 sharp. 

New House Under Construction - Cirrus Lane

House is moving right along.

Click on any picture to see them full size.

Phots by: Don Cook

Gazebo Christmas Lighting. 12-01-2019

Another amazing lighting of the Gazebo.

Thanks, Cici and Gwen
for all your hard work.

Click on any picture to see them full size.

Photos by; Don Cook