Sunday, November 12, 2006

Pilot's Meeting Monday night

This is a reminder of the Pilot's Association meeting on Monday Nov. 20th at 7:00

Please let me know if you have any new agenda items by Monday morning.

Monday November 20, 2006
Ray Hill, VP
Hosting Hangar, Lee & Nancy Van Wormer
Welcome Pilots and Guests
Statement of Purpose
" The purpose of the Whiteplains Pilots Association is to promote aviation safety, and camaraderie among the Whiteplains pilots and promote
communications with the pilot community."
Sign in Sheet
Jack Fastnaught - His adventure in a C-82 "Packet" Acceptance of September 18, 2006 Minutes
Old Business New Business - Nominations will be accepted for the Officers in 2007, (further nominations will be accepted at the Jan. 2007 meeting) Open floor for any new ideas to improve the Pilots Association attendance and activities.
Announcements - Fly Ins, Airshows and "Hundred dollar hamburgers"Treasurers Report; Terry Yon
Airside Report; Don Cook
Safety Report; Todd Falstad
Residential Side Report; Bill Como
Elam Tower update - Ken Plesser
Door Prizes and Cash Drawing

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