MARCH 20, 2006
The President, Lee Van Wormer, called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM with a statement of the purpose of the association and a welcome to all members and guests.
Members and guests asked to sign in on the sheet being passed around.
Introductions and type aircraft flown were made of each person present.
Dennis Ramsey asked for motion to accept the revised minutes from the Jan 2006 meeting.
Mica Froese seconded.
Voted and passed.
Terry Yon presented a Treasurers Report where he indicated that only two checks had been written for power.
Todd Falstad took the floor and donated a fine Chinese replica of a rolex watch for a door prize. Todd presented a short presentation on landing long and overshooting the runway which included the reading of an article from AOPA magazine. Todd emphasized the importance of recognizing the need to go around when too high or too fast and explained how any accident or incident could impact the airpark.
Lee took the floor and thanked Frank Skenes for the use of his hangar and the food. Lee announced that the Adopt-a-highway last month was successful with the collection of 29 bags of litter. Lee explained that the donated surplus beacon was too heavy for our tower and a new light weight strobe beacon would cost about $800.00. Ken Plesser advised that we could possibly sell the beacon on ebay to help fund the new beacon. Dennis Ramsey mentioned that a $400.00 donation from an unknown member had been offered to refurbish the old beacon and would still be offered towards the purchase of the new beacon.
Lee announced that the South Carolina Breakfast club would be hosted by Whiteplains on May 21st and the clean up day would be May 20th. Jim Causey and Bill Como will coordinate the clean up.
Neal Bonacum advised that the Breakfast Club team was in place but Ray Ackerman needed six volunteers for transportation.
Lee announced that the JROTC flights had been successful with 15 kids taken up and Don Cook would have a photo package link on the Whiteplains website soon.
Congratulations to James Kiesler for getting his Private Pilots license.
Lee advised that new flags on the Elam tower were in place and that the FAA safety seminar would be held at Graniteville on the 28th at 6:30 pm.
Lee stated that there was some interest among the pilots to have a windsock placed at runway 9 on Jack Fastnaught's hangar. Neil said that there was a tear in the current windsock. James Kiesler stated that he had a windsock to put up on his hangar at runway 27. Lee asked for a show of hands for the windsock on runway 9 and said that he would approach the board.
Peggy Como will be coordinating a yardsale on Saturday and Dennis Ramsey will coordinate the flight to the South Carolina Breakfast Club on the 26th to Georgetown.
The guest speaker Col. Walter L. Watson was introduced, he presented an interesting program on the SR-71 aircraft and his experiences flying it.
The door prizes and cash drawing were drawn and the meeting was adjourned at 8:30
Respectfully Submitted,
Ray Hill
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