Friday, March 14, 2008

From: Palmetto Sport Aviation

Subject: 242 Flyers to Phil Essey's field on March 22nd

We have arranged with Phil Essey to fly into his private field on Sat. Mar.22nd.Phil has a very nice grass strip. Trees have been cut back on the South end and the North end is open.Phil has a very nice extensive collection of restored antique tractors and they all run!He also has several planes including a Steerman.

There will be other groups there also on that day. Hamburgers and hotdogs will be cooked on the field.His field is located at N34 deg. 41.851 min and W079 deg. 27.524 min. 88 nautical miles on a heading of 66 degrees from CUB. Just over the state line into NC near Bennetsville, SC. It is not on the map.We will meet at the SAC at 9:30 and plan to depart about 10:00 AM on Sat 3/22.If you have empty seats, notify John Leonhardt or Jack Starling as we have some students and non-pilots that would like to go.Plug these co-ordinates into your GPS or fly along with us. The runway is 2800 ft. long and for the ladies info., there is a rest room on the field.

jack starling

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