Whiteplains Plantation SC is a premier residential aviation community. Located 20 minutes W of Columbia, Whiteplains Plantation combines a quiet rural location, friendly neighbors, and access to some of the state’s best schools. There are currently 50+ aircraft based at the airpark. Pattern Altitude 1500' Right traffic 9 - ELV 524' Left traffic 27 - ELV 491' Rwy 3000' X 35' paved Columbia CAE approach FR N 133.4 FR S 124.15 CTAF 122.9 Lighted Dusk to 11:00 pm 5 clicks
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Travelling to a SC Airport?
Ray Hill
reply to: ray@whiteplainsplantation.com
or cell phone 600-1191
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Whiteplains Calendar April 2008
April 03 Tracey Hill
April 05 Ken Plesser
April 07 Gwen Mochak
April 09 Leslie Benton
April 10 Sabrina Hogan
April 18 Brett Harvey & Jim Causey
April 20 Ro Lucas
April 23 Aprille Harvey
April 25 Bob Chatham
SCBC Dates:
April 06 Georgetown (GGE)
April 20 Broxton Bridge (PVT)
Other Dates:
April 1 April Fool's Day!
April 15 Tax Day :-(
April 19 AOPA Wings Program Hickory, NC 2:30-4-20 - Free Seminar!
April 21 Pilots Meeting Jim Wheats Hanger 7:00 PM
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
See And Avoid - Military Aircraft
Posted by: Don Cook
Monday, March 24, 2008
Columbia EAA 242 flyers fly-in....
John Leonhardt, Reece Hall, Jack Starling, James Clark, Dave Graff
Back Row
Paul Carter, James Keisler, Tal Morgan, Ron Shelton, Dennis Perry, Jerry Sowell, Melinda Hotinger, Ken Harrill
Jack Singletary and Toy Nettles arrived a little later in Toy's Cub.
Monday, March 17, 2008
March 17 - Pilots Meeting Held
Friday, March 14, 2008
From: Palmetto Sport Aviation
We have arranged with Phil Essey to fly into his private field on Sat. Mar.22nd.Phil has a very nice grass strip. Trees have been cut back on the South end and the North end is open.Phil has a very nice extensive collection of restored antique tractors and they all run!He also has several planes including a Steerman.
There will be other groups there also on that day. Hamburgers and hotdogs will be cooked on the field.His field is located at N34 deg. 41.851 min and W079 deg. 27.524 min. 88 nautical miles on a heading of 66 degrees from CUB. Just over the state line into NC near Bennetsville, SC. It is not on the map.We will meet at the SAC at 9:30 and plan to depart about 10:00 AM on Sat 3/22.If you have empty seats, notify John Leonhardt or Jack Starling as we have some students and non-pilots that would like to go.Plug these co-ordinates into your GPS or fly along with us. The runway is 2800 ft. long and for the ladies info., there is a rest room on the field.
jack starling
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Whats Up at Whiteplains 3-13-2008
Photo's By: Don Cook
Sunday, March 09, 2008
70's Party Photoshow - Elvis Live!
A special thanks to Ray and Tracy for putting on this fine show, and Elvis, taking the time to perform for us last night.