Monday, January 17, 2022

Get your soup ready - Soup Off Coming 2022


Since enough interest was shown we have decided to have the annual “Soup-off” competition/fellowship. The event will be held at our hangar Saturday, February 12 @ 6:00pm. Make a pot of soup or chili if you wish it to be “judged”.  Desserts, bread, crackers, etc are also welcomed. Ballots for voting are $1 each. We have had on occasion 15 different soups to sample. It’s almost impossible to taste all before you are full and there are many great cooks here! We will furnish bottled water, iced tea, and probably a pot of coffee. Feel free to bring a soda of your choice. This will be our 10th event here and most likely our last one hosting. Looking forward to a good turnout. I will try and send out a reminder closer to the event. Please call me if you have questions or suggestions. Due to space limitations following COVID protocols will not be totally possible. Sincerely, The Moore’s 244 Cirrus Ln

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