Fence Construction | RESPONSES |
Keep it wood | 51.61% 16 |
White vinyl | 32.26% 10 |
Brick posts and wrought iron | 9.68% 3 |
Replace fence with shrubs | 6.45% 2 |
TOTAL | 31 |
Spending Amount | RESPONSES |
$5,000 | 39.29% 11 |
$20,000 | 53.57% 15 |
$100,000 | 7.14% 2 |
$200,000 | 0.00% 0 |
TOTAL | 28 |
Spending Source | RESPONSES |
Special assessment | 35.48% 11 |
Increase annual assessment | 19.35% 6 |
Don't spend any more than previous years | 45.16% 14 |
TOTAL | 31 |
Responsibility | RESPONSES |
The Association should maintain the entire fence. | 27.27% 9 |
The individual owners should maintain their fence. | 21.21% 7 |
The Association should install & maintain fencing. | 45.45% 15 |
Individual owners should install & maintain fencing. | 12.12% 4 |
TOTAL | 33 |
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