Friday, March 07, 2014

Let's go flying tomorrow....

A reminder of the fly out for lunch tomorrow.  Weather is supposed to be sunny and clear skies both here and the destination tomorrow after some burnoff of early morning fog.   Best thing you can do for your airplane engine is take it for a flight every week.  So come join us tomorrow as wefly to KFQD.   Target your arrival at around 11:30.  Its 92 nm.   So plan totake off between 10:30 and 11:00 depending on the speed of your bird.  Look forward to seeing you there.  
Bo has indicated there is an EAA chapter in Georgia having a fish fry as well tomorrow.   It’s a 2500’ grass strip which eliminates that as an option for me.  I deleted Bo’s note but the field is south of Augusta airspace I believe.  I think its GA 51.   See Bo if you are interested.  The important thing is to just go have some fun tomorrow.
                                                                         Click on map to see full size. 
Posted by: Dennis Ramsey 3-7=2014

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