Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Run for a good cause

Hey! As you may know, I am training to run a marathon in San Francisco and I am doing great. This week is the big 20 miles!! Yes 20! I am doing this to help raise needed funds to fund research and to provide medical needs to caner patients. I am doing this because my own grandfather died of Leukemia and that is why I am doing this. Why each Saturday I get up and run. The race is in 4 weeks and have raise $2300 so far. My goal is $2900- Can you please help me? In honor of my 20 miles this weekend, could you consider making a $20 donation?

All donations are tax deductible and it would me a lot to me and the people I am running for and their family. I am also running for two friend's daughters who are current survivors!!! I am also collecting names of heroes my friends want me to run for-I'm going to put them all on my shirt on race day and run in honor of everyone! Thanks for your support!! Check out my website for more updates and picture of my progress at


Need all donations by October 15th.

God Bless and Thank You!

Linda Demaray 
Real Estate Partners LLC
(803) 348-2677 P
(803) 996-6586 F
Helping to fight Cancer
10% Net Proceds to LLS

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