Sunday, May 05, 2013

Subject: SCAA Passport Program

The SC Aviation Association with the support of the SC Aeronautics Commission is launching the SC Passport Program where pilots are rewarded for flying to SC's public use publically owned airports.  While several of our board members attend  the breakfast flyins and will be announcing it there, we were hoping you might reference this program on your web site.

Attached is a poster that is being sent to all the involved airports.  Also attached is a trifold brochure which describes the program and the reward levels.  This would seem to be a natural for the Breakfast Club as you already travel to many of the airports in the course of a year.  Pilots may sign up for the Passport Program on the SCAA website  ( as of May 15th..

If you have any questions I can be reached at the above email or via cell at 803-261-9085.

I look forward to working with you.

Don Purcell
South Carolina Aviation Association

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