Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Schweiss Promotion!

LR: Jim Causey, John Gardner, Bill Como and Steve Sanderson (Note: Jacket+ Hat)
Photo by: Ken Plesser

Steve Sanderson managed to con some shirts, a jacket and hats from Schweiss Door Company. He handed them out at the K-Club this past Monday to Schweiss door owners. If you're a Schweiss door owner, see Steve he might have a shirt or hat left.

O.K. time to call

Update: Fired off e-mail to Hydroswing about Schweiss giving shirts, hats and jackets to Schweiss owners. Got a call today from Hydroswing saying that they will not be out done. They are sending goodies to all Hydroswing owners at Whiteplains.
Thanks Hydroswing!

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