Monday, May 05, 2008


Good News neighbors and Property Owners
The May 3rd Support Your Gilbert Fire Dept. BBQ at Whiteplains was a huge success. We sold 45 meals, that was total of $315.00 dollars and one homeowner made a contribution. Next year, we will make it bigger and better. A big thank you to our volunteers who helped, especially my bride Denise.

SCBC May 18

Whooooo dude big time day for Whiteplains to strut her stuff. We are expecting 200+ people to visit us that morning. Flying, Food and fun.Check with our committee leaders to see if they need help,Ray Ackerman- Auto parkingDennis Perry and Eric Demaray- Aircraft ParkingDebbie Froese-Food ServiceLaurie Ackerman-Clean up Saturday before and event day

OK, this is exciting new news.
We are going to have a Float in the Gilbert 2008 Peach Parade. Yahoo, jumping up and down, spinning in a circle, now out of air, slow down, here is some more information. Yes, it will have an Airplane on it with all the trimmings.Beth Brigers and Joanne Kiesler are our 1st annual 2008 Gilbert Peach Festival of Whiteplains Plantation Float committee leaders. It will be pulled by Jim Wheat's restored 8N tractor. Driven by a 8N tractor driver specialist, Yours TrulyThere will be more information about this soon.This is a July 4th event, so please plan to attend.

Dennis Perry

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