Sunday, July 01, 2007

Whiteplains Plantation - July 2007 Calender

Happy Birthday to the following Members:

July 3 - Ann Cargile
July 5 - Carolyn Yon
July 14 - Durham Harrison
July 20 - Bev Harrison
July 24 - Janet Knenes
July 25 - Diane Fastnaught
July 26 - Erik Demaray
July 28 - Jane Jefferson
July 30 - Kay Franklin

SCBC Dates July:
July 1 - Salisbury NC (RUQ)
July 15 - Winnsboro (FDW)
July 29 - Allendale (88J)

Other Dates:
July 4 - 4th Of July - Happy Birthday USA!
July 4 - Twin Lakes Party (S1J)
July 7 - Welcome Party for the MacKays and the Crockers @ Jim Wheat's Hanger 6:30 PM RSVP Beth Bridgers at 260-2411.
July 16 - Pilots Assocaition Mtg. 7 pm ****Canceled****
July 23 - Oshkosh Air Venture Begins

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