Sunday, September 24, 2006

Runway Work in Progress!

Thanks to Jim Wheat for the use of his rented John Dear Tractor, and with the help of Jim, Bill Como, Don Cook and Rick Miller we were able to remove many of the R/R ties on the north side of the runway. Micah Froese donated some dirt that was used to fill in areas of the runway shoulder that was in need of filling. We also were able to dump two loads of dirt behind the Van Warmers lot that was erroding due to water run off from the runway. Micah also blew down the taxi way in the area we were working at. Jim Wheat leveled the pile of dirt that was along the taxi-way that was used as a stop-gap for water errosion in that area.
All of the R/R ties were removed in front of Neal and Nancy's home, and all of the lower ties down by runway 9's end. Low wing airplanes can now safely use the taxi way.
Thanks again for all the hard work. Much more needs to be done, but this is a good start in the right direction.

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