Friday, October 09, 2020

Lloyd Krueger - Lloyd's silent auction pictures before and after.

 Wanted to share some pictures from before the silent auction & after.  Special thanks to Steve Mestler that spearheaded this undertaking and to all the people that pitched in to help pull this off. 


After Pictures...

Scott Morrow plane has arrived on 10-08-2020.

 This afternoon a small truck, (really?) arrived with his kit plane. The 28 foot truck turned out to be the size of a moving van so a new course of action was needed to get his plane out.  With quick thinking a plan was devised to go down to the truck and unload the plane parts to the Whiteplains trailer. Thanks to a large group of fine Whiteplain residents that showed up the plane was unloaded from the truck onto the trailer and taken to his home where it was unloaded.   After, Chicken Wings and beer were served by Scott's wife, Cheryl. I overheard Scott say that the plane should be completed in short order.Time well tell.

Photos by Don Cook

Click on any picture to see full size.

Monday, October 05, 2020


Landing at Whiteplains Plantation on 10/03/2020 at sunset.